Carry One

In a world where numbers often define success, it’s easy to focus on the crowd and forget the individual. Yet, the most impact often comes not from leading the many but from carrying ‘the one.’ We are reminded that true community and culture grow not from broad strokes - but from the deliberate, one-on-one attention we give to each person.

Every individual in a group has their own story—a mixture of triumphs, struggles, and untapped potential. By tending to these stories, we can tap into our unique culture. Consider the image of Jesus carrying a single sheep while the others follow. It’s not just a symbol of care; it’s a blueprint for transformative leadership.

When we pause to focus on one person, we strengthen the entire group. Focusing on 'the one' is an intentional act that sends a ripple effect through the community. It tells others: You matter. We see you.

Here is the kicker, we all have the capacity to carry 'one.' A friend, a colleague, or a stranger, we are invited to notice who needs us most (assigned or not) and step into that space. The reward is not just a flourishing community but a deeper sense of connection, purpose, and passion.

The next time you’re in a group, resist the urge to focus solely on the collective. Instead, look for ‘the one.’ Build a relationship. Extend a hand. As you carry them, you’ll find that others naturally follow, and a culture of care and 'give-a-damn' will blossom.

In the end, leadership isn’t about being in front of the crowd—it’s about knowing when to stop, turn back, and carry ‘the one.’